Library issues two cards from the beginning of the session- i. Book borrowing card ii. Reading room card
An Honours stream student can access 3 books and a general stream students can access 2 books at a time as against the book borrowing card for 14 days and can renew a book for maximum14 days from the college library
Student can access one book from the book bank from the total issuing book and it can be given for maximum period of 3 months.
Book borrowing card should not be taken away by the students and the reading room card should be transferred at the end of the session.
Student can consult reference books, newspaper, and previous year’s questions, syllabuses by reading room card which is not issued for home loan.
Fine would be taken for the failure of submission of the book within book lending period at the rate of .50 Rs for each day and he/she will be not allowed to use the library if the charge exceeds 10 Rs.
All books should be submitted before the final examination of each year. Admit card would not be issued without the library clearance certificate.
Duplicate card would be issued in the case of missing of library card from the library by charging 2 Rs.
Student should keep silence and mobile should be switched off while using the library.
Established 1973 | Affiliated to Kazi Nazrul University NAAC Accredited 'B+' Grade Institution with CGPA 2.55 Recognized under 12(B) and 2(f) of the UGC Act 1956
District:Paschim Bardhaman
Pin :713331 West Bengal
+ 91-341-2525 449
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