Welcome To

Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya

Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya, Chittaranjan was founded on 3rd September, 1973 under the aegis of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Hindustan Cables Ltd, Rupnarayanpur and a group of philanthropists of the area. Initially the college was affiliate of The University of Burdwan. Subsequently from the academic session 2015-16 the college has been affiliated to the newly established Kazi Nazrul University. Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya, Chittaranjan has a glorious history of imparting higher education. It offers honours and general courses in science, humanities, commerce and also professional courses.

Dr. Tridib Santapa Kundu

Message from Principal's Desk

I am in immense pleasure to present our college website. It is in conformity with the modern trend of resorting to information technology.

This will be helpful for prospective students, guardians and whoever concerned to have access to the details of the college including academic and relevant matters.

"Experience Our Principal's Vision for the Future"


Important Notices


Environment & Sustainable Development

Eco Club

Contribute to improving environmental conditions.

Environmental Audit

Objective process in assessing an organization's activities and services.

Energy Audit

A residential or commercial building to determine its energy efficiency.

Facilities in the Campus

Our Facilities

Computer Science Lab

Student Web Development 15

Fully equipped Computer Science laboratory with trained supervision. Compulsory Computer Science training for all students.

Physics Lab

People 4

This laboratory has all the necessary equipment for preparation of samples and standards for various analyses of liquid and solid samples.

Research Centre

Research 12

The main objective of the Centre is to carry out research and to preserve the cultural heritage of the locality.


What Student's Say!

Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya

Established 1973 | Affiliated to Kazi Nazrul University NAAC Accredited 'B' Grade Institution with CGPA 2.40 Recognized under 12(B) and 2(f) of the UGC Act 1956

Get In Touch



District:Paschim Bardhaman

Pin :713331 West Bengal




+ 91-341-2525 449


© Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya. Designed and developed by CoderFD

© Fayzan Ansari(6th Semester student) of Deshabandhu Mahavidyalaya